Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Kite Runner - The Movie

After reading the book The kite runner in class, it was appropriate to watch the movie based on the book.
Although the movie is very good and touching, i did not feel that it moved me in the same way that the book did. As always the book is more detailed than the movie based on the book, therefore it is easier to get to know the characters in the story. The movie also skips a lot of important scenes from the book. Although it felt like something was missing in the movie because it was not as detailed as the book, it is a very good movie! This is such a good story, that it just has to be great.

Just like in the book, the movie shows how strong the relationships between Amir and Hassan, and Amir and Baba are. Amir and Hassan who are best friends, and always has been, goes through a lot together and Hassan would sacrifice anything to help Amir. Amir has always been searching for some kind of approval from his father who always has seemed to be more devoted to whatever Hassan is doing. Finally when Amir wins the kite tournament he get the missing gratitude from his father, but still he does not feel good about it because of what he just witnessed happening to his best friend. Now Amir deplores Hassan, and it is not before Amir has grown up and goes back to Kabul he understands how he treated his brother, and he desides that this is the time to make up for the past.
This is the part of the story i felt was most similar in the book and the movie.

You can watch the movie trailer here


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it always like that though? The book is always better then the movie. But I did like the movie and I think the producer did a good job. I agree with you on the comparison between the book and the film and the episode that is the most similar one
