This week in International English, we worked with Japanese manga and anime, Japanese English and English in the south east of Asia.I worked together with Susanna on reading texts in the book out loud and then answering questions when we were finished. From the texts i learned about how the Japanese Manga and Anime have affected the western world, and it is interesting that so many people in all ages are reading manga. The most popular animations in the west are Pokemon and Digimon.
Another thing that is interesting is how the English speaking Japanese know the English grammar better than one who have English as their first language. We also read about then the English came to India and how the Indian English have developed.
I feel this was a good use of time because we got to sit down in pairs or groups. I felt this was a good use of time because we got to sit down in pairs or groups and talk and discuss the texts and tasks together. If I could decide how to work with this topic, I would rather read the text and make a summary than answering tasks.